Knowing Vs Doing

Most people know what to do.  They just don't commit to action often enough.

There is a famous quote from the Greek philosopher Socrates“Knowing is not the same as doing.”

We know we should drink more water, eat plenty of whole foods, and exercise regularly but it's easy to fall on the first few hurdles.

What many people do is keep seeking and absorbing more information.  Knowledge is great, but action is what makes a difference in your life.

The truth is, it's hard to connect knowledge and action without support and accountability.  

Who here finds it easier to stop procrastinating once a deadline approaches?  Well, that's because of the accountability effect.  It has become necessary because you are about to be held to account for not doing it.  

Who here finds it easier to workout when someone is providing a structure for that workout?  Well, that's because we respond so well to support.  

Most of us are more likely to do a full hour, cover all the muscles of the body, do the exercises we usually avoid, and work harder during the workout if we're at bootcamp and not going solo.  

Did you know that having 2-3 consistent weekly fixtures at bootcamp will have a serious impact on your fitness and strength in as little as 3 months.  Just 3 months to be feeling and seeing some significant progression.

Another important factor for action is consistency.  We need to take consistent action for behaviours to become sticky. Let's say 8 weeks for example :)

I created SHRED to help with these specific factors.  Even if you've done SHRED several times before, it's still easier to do this with the support and accountability in place.

That's why so many of our community do 1-2 SHRED's per year. It keeps important things sticky.

If you're sitting on the fence, please do reach out tell me what's on your mind. 

Don't put off what you can begin now, summer bodies are made in the winter.  I'm ready, are you ready?

Best, Sally x

Mike Smith